THE STORMS OF LIFE: God’s Purposes, His Desired Results & Our Response

By Pastor Bob Morgan

(To get the most out of this devotional I encourage you to read any Scriptures referenced. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you directly through His Word.)

I’ve been meditating on the fact that all of us experience storms: trials, hardship, sickness and suffering. David Jeremiah has pointed out that we’re all in a trial, coming out of a trial or headed into a trial. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? But think about it a moment. Jesus made a promise that none of us claim, “In this world you will have tribulation.” (Emphasis mine). But then He goes on, “But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

I’ve also found the importance to train ourselves theologically and to “think biblically.”


I find five:

Instruction. God is trying to teach us something about Himself, ourselves or about others.

Perhaps God is trying to take us deeper into a knowledge of Himself; to reveal things about Himself He desires us to learn. Like Job, perhaps He desires us to learn more about His sovereign wisdom, power or goodness. And, the only way to do that is to strip us of all other support mechanisms; to make us more dependent upon Him — and less dependent upon ourselves or others.

Perhaps it’s to reveal to us something about ourselves and our ultimate need for Him. Perhaps to expose something about someone else and the undo influence they’re having on us. And now we’re experiencing the consequences of such a relationship.

Correction. Perhaps we’ve begun to drift and He’s addressing our carnality: our pride, our lack of forgiveness for others, our unbelief & fear, our willful disobedience, our secret sin, some unrepentant besetting sin, etc. And, He’s sent the storm to get our attention.

Redirection.  Perhaps God is using it for a course change in our lives, to redirect our lives in the center of His will. He closes a door and opens another. He blocks a desire pursued and replaces it with another. He’s providentially and faithfully guiding us behind the scenes through people and circumstances.

Protection. Perhaps God is protecting us from dangerous decisions we’ve made or relationships we’ve developed. Perhaps He’s protecting us from ungodly attitudes, choices or behaviors we’ve cultivated.  Not because He desires to destroy us, but because He loves us and is trying to protect us — from ourselves — or others.

Judgment. Sadly yes, God can send storms for judgment (C.f., Joel). In these cases, because of our own open, unrepentant sin (and possibly our danger to others), we’ve crossed a line that only God knows about and His holiness requires Him to judge us. “It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living (and holy) God.” (Heb 10:31).


God, in His sovereign wisdom, power and goodness — in His divine providences using people and circumstances, also has a plan — a desired result. Ultimately, it’s to conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. And just like the number-8 represents “new beginnings” in Scripture, there are eight other results He desires on the way to our “new beginning”:

Brokenness And Godly Sorrow. Genuine brokenness is the first building block. It’s not to be confused with a carnal sorrow like “Esau tears,” where our sorrow comes from experiencing the consequences of our own sinful attitudes, choices and behaviors. But a genuine, godly sorrow that comes from true brokenness. A sorrow from offending a Holy, Good, All-loving God. A sorrow that comes from genuinely causing Him (or others) pain, grief, loss and their own undeserved sorrow. “Genuine, Godly sorrow leads to repentance — not to constant apologies.” (My wife, Lisa).

A Humbling. After genuine brokenness and godly sorrow comes a genuine humility. We realize our own need for forgiveness for our own sinful attitudes, choices and behaviors. We put to death our own pride and selfishness. We realize that we’re no better than anyone else. That we’re the creature and He is the Creator.

Repentance. We first “agree with God” about His pronouncements about our lives and our sin. We then change our own sinful attitudes, choices and behaviors — and submit them in obedience to God’s WORD. We’re no longer self-justifying, rationalizing, or blaming others for the consequences of our own sinful attitudes, choices or behaviors. We take full responsibility for them and begin to live for God, God’s Word and God’s glory. It also means confession and making restitution where required.

Forgiveness. God then grants us forgiveness for our sin. He washes us completely clean. Yes, there may still be consequences of our sin here on earth: STD’s, unwanted pregnancy, liver or lung damage, loss of family & friends, losing a job, even prison — but in eternity, God no longer keeps a file to judge us.

Restoration. God ultimately restores us to a right relationship with Him. To the fellowship He desires to have with us. We may never be fully restored to those we sinned against in this lifetime, but our relationship with God is restored just like nothing ever happened.

Blessings. God wants to bless us. These can be physical, spiritual or relational. But, we forfeit His best blessings while we remain in a cultivated life-style of unrepentant sin.


Here are some other things I’ve desperately attempted to learn and truths I cling to in my own storms of life:

Cling To What We Know About God’s Character: His sovereign wisdom, power and goodness — no matter what! It’s why I repeat it so often in sermons, in articles, in counseling — and to myself.

Which leads to why it’s important to — Think Accurately And Theologically About God, Our Circumstances, and Others — no matter what others may think or express!

By God’s Grace, Maintain Our Own Moral Courage and Integrity — no matter what! Encourage ourselves that God knows the truth about us and how others have treated us. He knows when we’ve been misunderstood, misrepresented and mistreated. He knows when others, for their own agendas, have despitefully used us, abused us, and then falsely accused us.

Seek To Please An Audience Of One — the Master Himself. Obey God and leave the consequences to Him — no matter what! I repeat, NO MATTER WHAT!

Focus On “What” God Desires Of Us, Rather Than On The “Why.” What is it that God desires from us in it all? Let God deal with others. (C.f., John 21:20-22).

Refrain from attempting to seek our own vindication or vengeance — or at times even defending ourselves. Avoid attempting to draw others into taking sides. Let God defend us. Even when it means keeping our mouth’s shut (unless others are at risk), and on our knees before God the ultimate and final Judge. (C.f. Rm 12:19).

Allow God to deal with other people and circumstances — in His time — in His way — for His purposes — with His heart — for His glory — and our (and their) highest good.

Maintain a repentant life-style — no matter what! No matter how much we were wronged. No matter how “justified” we think we are. If God convicts us of sinful attitudes, choices and behaviors — confess and repent — immediately!

Walk humbly with God and before men. Be bold in the Lord and not in the flesh.

Don’t Go Along To Get Along. Don’t admit or agree to things that aren’t true. Simply state the facts as we know them and then don’t argue or defend. Never argue with a fool, a scorner or a drunk — no matter what! More often than not, there’s no answer we can give them that they’ll accept, and they’ll simply “weaponize it” against us. Again, God knows the truth.

Remove ourselves when needful, and get alone with God for as long as it takes — no mater what! “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9).

Don’t worry what others think. Our desire is to hear from God and not all the competing (often unbiblical) voices (unasked for opinions and unsolicited advice) that can’t agree among themselves and only confuses us. It will only make us double-minded and unable to hear God clearly.

“If any of you needs wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:5-8).

Don’t Allow Ourselves To Become Bitter. We only trouble and defile ourselves and others (Heb 12:15). Pray for our circumstances and the people God is using to work something out of or into our lives — even those who despitefully use us (Mt 5:44).

Be careful not to try to “escape” any storm God is in — and He’s in them all. Refuse to use our own “arm of the flesh” or cleverness to get out of it. Seek what God is trying to accomplish though it: instruction, correction, redirection, protection, or even judgment — and then respond accordingly. Allow Him to have His perfect way with us.

But remember, “To choose suffering makes no sense at all; to choose God’s will in the midst of our suffering makes all the sense in the world.” (Oswald Chambers).


Are we in a storm? Are things in our life outside of our own control? Is there something God is trying to accomplish in the midst of the storm? Believe it or not, if God is with us, it’s the safest place to be. (C.f., Luke 8:22-25; Mt 14:22-33).

Like you, I’m not immune to the storms of life: trials, hardship, sickness or suffering. Like you, I desire to please and glorify the Master. And like you, I’m trying to listen for, recognize, and obey — “The Shepherd’s Voice.”

With a pastor’s heart — Pastor Bob

(If this blesses you please let me know. If you think it might bless others, please share it.)

One thought on “THE STORMS OF LIFE: God’s Purposes, His Desired Results & Our Response

  1. Hi P. Bob,

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

    Just wanted to share with you another excerpt from an inmate who had read your blog:

    “Again, Pastor Morgan has hit the proverbial nail on the head. It is almost like he is speaking directly to me. I know he is because it is God putting those words and scriptures down on the screen. God is using his fingers to type. It is Amazing!”

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